Fingerboard: Tips for Learning Ollie

Ollie, it's a beginner's technique for fingerboard. It imitates the action of bouncing the skateboard up by using the time difference of the double pedals in sliding when playing an ordinary skateboard. The reason it's a must-learn skill is that if you practice Ollie well, many fancy moves such as flipping in the air and crossing obstacles can be achieved.
1. Finger Placement
Place your index finger in the middle of the board and between the plate nails, while placing your middle finger on the tail.
Note: range of finger placed on the board is limited to the upper two joints, and the third joint must not be placed on the board surface.
2. Kick the Fingerboard up
The direction to push the finger board is important, especially for beginners. Remember, the fingerboard is to slide back first, give the fingerboard a force, then the middle finger force, point the table. At this time the board head is upturned, turn the wrist, let the board turn over, support on two fingers, this process the board is always sliding back.
Note: someone may find the board cannot be turned over, It is the most difficult part and Ollie's essence is also in this. First of all, everyone presses the board to slide back, give the board a force, but the sliding track must be straight. With the body parallel to the board, you can draw a line or reference on the table or the ground, parallel to the line, parallel to the body, sliding track must be straight.
3. Get the Fingerboard Up to 80 Degrees Angle.
Slide the fingerboard backward, press down the middle finger, use the rear wheel as the fulcrum, tilt the head of the fingerboard, and rise the index finger and the board. Keep 80 degrees, The harder you slide back, the greater the force. Turn your wrist, use your index finger as a fulcrum, and retract your middle finger.
Note: Turn two fingers, palm, wrist and fingerboard at the same time, mainly practice the coordination of this force. Let the fingerboard rests on the finger.
4. Flick the Front Finger and Wrist Up and Forward
Since that fingerboard is in a vertical position after popping, moving the index finger upward toward the nose will raise the fingerboard for ventilation. A good technique is to focus on the movement of the entire hand and wrist, rather than on moving the index finger alone.
5. Level the Fingerboard in the Air.
to keep the board level, turn your wrist horizontal again, while letting your middle finger control the tail of the board.
6. Land the Fingerboard.
At the end, press the board downward, and the wheel will land. A perfect Ollie will be completed.
After leaning the Ollie, you can try to ollie over gaps and obstacles. It is a good start to start the learning of other techniques.